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    Air Cushion Finish @ Braille Satellite Festival, Mushroom Manor Park, Lithuania

    Date: 20.07.2019 / 09:00
    Location: Braille Satellite Festival main stage in Mushroom Manor Park (LT)
    Entry fee: ?? Euro (estimate).

    This one turned out to be a collaboration set of Bear Bones Lay Low and jayrope, who was invited to play solo as ACF.

    This festival had an immensely interesting line-up. See poster below.
    Please also check out the festival website for more info regarding the best underground music in Vilnius and around.

    Travel directions from Vilnius

    Anything on location is cash (€) only. This is a park area in the countryside.

    Facebook Event

    ACF in Vilnius, October 2018

    Braille Satellite Festival III


    XML ♒ We always wanted to do this. That´s a lie. ♒ Imprint