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    Air Cushion Finish for Kulku @ --hraii

    Date: 12.11.2016 / 14:00
    Location: --hraii in Berlin
    Entry fee: Euro (estimate).

    bohemian drips. presents: Kulku | [BD006] | binaural LP
    Record release show
    Live concerts by Kulku / Air Cushion Finish / IM/AM

    ‡ live

    • Kulku (primitive music, orff kraut)

    • Air Cushion Finish (homeopathic punk, biesenthal)

    • IM/AM (krautronica, bohemian drips)

    ‡ records

    • lislbar & wermuth (past, present and future psychedelica)

    ‡ information

    • Kulku

    By releasing “bohemian drips presents: Kulku“ the Berlin imprint presents their third binaural production. After working within the spaces of the “KINDL – Center for Contemporary Art“, the label took the next challenge by leveling up the reverb times and working with an eight-head collective of “genious dilletants“ inside the ancient water reservoirs of Berlin, Pankow. These tanks provide, with their reverberation times from 6 to 18 seconds, a more than astonishing surrounding for this recording session.

    Kulku’s acoustical sound sources and instruments, reaching from old wooden organ pipes, to xylophones, timpani, scrap metal and kids toys, creates an apocalyptical scenery that is strongly referencing within its construction to contemporary compositions of Avantgarde music like Steve Reich, György Ligeti or Carl Orff. The almost never ending, deep resonance of the tanks that served the band and the label’s producers as a frame for the recordings, created sounds from a extraterrestrial sphere which formed a modern kind of “Trance Music“ – “Primitive Music“ as the band named it themselves.

    Founded in 2002 by Andreas Riska (a.k.a. Wenzlovar) and Johanna Riska, Kulku spans out to a maximum of ten musicians, including as well Gatis and Talis Silde from Ej Bejkot as Alex Samuels and Max Gassman from Brace/Choir. The bands’ sound is a weird mixture of Kraut, Noise, Soul and No-Age that was hidden in the Berlin underground for a long while and finally shows its blooming creativity with this record.

    The core piece “Nach der Flut“ (referring to Hinnerick Bröskamps experimental movie “Vor der Flut – Before the Flooding“) is accompanied by four pieces characterized by Wenzlovar voice and a rough reduction of sounds within the tanks reverberations.

    By the use of dummy head microphones “bohemian drips presents: Kulku“ is able to transport the initial trance effect of this record straight to the listener – the 360-degree soundscape takes us back into the tanks and offers a completely unique experience of sound. All binaural productions of the label are curated, arranged & produced internally by the collective. The triptych of components – the location, the microphone, the band – is solely managed by the labels’ team and the process of production is as important as the musical result.

    Kulku’s “Orff-Kraut“ is available on 180g vinyl from November 12th 2016. A limited edition of 200 LPs come with handcrafted screen printings.

    • Air Cushion Finish

    Air Cushion Finish formed in Berlin in 2007 and comprised composer/player jayrope and natural vocal synthesizer Lippstueck, who had enjoyed playing Berlin’s underground together since the 1990s. Lippstueck prominently sings, wordless and backwards in time, while his partner jayrope tends to also appreciate any DIY, electronic, string or percussion instrument small enough to fit into a single suitcase altogether.

    Changing setup and subsequently music is programmatic to them, as well as having friends as guest musicians, all resulting into an unforeseeable slow motion cacophony of whispers, bleeps, rhythms and harmonies.
    There’s a notion of Dada, but you never know.

    This music might as well be described as a dream-like flow of musical and lyrical ideas […] there are preconceived islands, and the music drifts in free-form manner among them. Beautiful, involving and truly uncanny… (George Grella, Big City, NYC).

    As this ever-present poetic note of disconnection with cemented structures & styles took them to places, they got to support a number of their own favourite artists along the line. After 7 albums of their own and upon a friendly invitation by members of GY!BE they recorded with Thierry Amar at Montreal’s Hotel2Tango in 2014. The resulting double 12” “Flink” was mixed and coproduced again by Thierry Amar and it should well mark their current state of poetical accident, swaying, swinging and bouncing, boldly careful, like a transparent tattoo on your forehead.

    • IM/AM

    Electronica duo formed by Ian Medina and bohemian drips co-founder Alexander Meurer.



    XML ♒ We always wanted to do this. That´s a lie. ♒ Imprint