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    Rope @ Galerie Erstererster, Berlin

    Date: 16.05.2009 / 16:00
    Location: Galerie Erstererster in Berlin
    Entry fee: zero Euro (estimate).

    This is kind of a reunion of Nico Lippolis & jayrope, who both formerly played together in Rope / Geist Rec. 1998-2001.

    The two rejoin to support Italian photographer Jacopo de Marco, opening his exhibition “Spazio & Tempo”.

    Galerie Erstererster is located in Pappelallee 69 in 10437 Berlin.

    Rope in 1999 - image by Jacopo de Marco
    Rope in 1999 – image by Jacopo de Marco

    Note: Rope is now a project of Toni Maiof (Geisha Noise Research Group) & jayrope, with 4 more collaborators from all over the planet.



    XML ♒ We always wanted to do this. That´s a lie. ♒ Imprint