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    Silver Apricot @ Jazzahead/Noon, Theater Bremen, DE-Bremen

    Date: 23.04.2016 / 17:30
    Location: Jazzahead Clubnight at Noon/Theater Bremen in DE-Bremen
    Entry fee: 10 Euro (estimate).

    Simon Camatta/drums, St. Kirchhoff/guitarelectronics and jayrope are the band of “The Maidenhair Tree & The Silver Apricot”. Here they join for a one-off improvised concert as part of Theater Bremen’s contribution to Jazzahead, the yearly jazz conference in Bremen. Silver Apricot is a mimetic superweapon.
    Silver Apricot – live – listen
    Trio Frenetiko (with Flowing Immo on drums) – live
    DJ Ubeyde (Urban Jazz Groove) DJ-Set

    Ticket sale for the concert is on.



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